January 5, 2014

Jake’s Last Show im Germany, for maybe a long while :-/

January 17, 2014 @ 7:00 am – 8:30 am
Marstallcafe Heidelberg
Marstallhof 5
Polizeirevier Heidelberg-Altstadt, 69117 Heidelberg

Dearest Heidelbergers / Mannheimers!

This is gonna be my last concert before I return to the US on Jan. 24 (for how long, I do not know – it depends on how my Dad is doing).

Let me tell you it’s been a great fugging ride and thank you all for being so awesome. I have some new songs that totally kick ass and I’d love if you came out to hear them, and bring a buddy 🙂

I love you and will miss you all!

P.S. Check me out on the German news and find out about hosting a Living Room Concert for FREE – we can set up for whenever I’m back 😀


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