October 13, 2013

Jake Rathburn (USA): Unplugged up in Antwerp

November 16, 2013 @ 7:00 am – 9:00 am
Herrystraat 22
2100 Antwerp
Suggested Donation: 7 Euro

Hey folks,

I’d like to thank the kind folks at Voidwarranties for having this event. They are a growing hackerspace so let’s pack it up and have a great night. Also, you’ll find out what you could be doing with your extra time 🙂


Here’s my bio:
Singer-songwriter Jake Rathburn from Cincinnati, Ohio (USA) is thrilled to be focusing his career efforts in Europe. Jake’s soulful voice, quirky lyrics, and open personality always yield warm and endearing performances. Focusing on intimate Living Room Concerts, Jake enjoys meeting new people and creating a relaxing environment for his audience.

Get a listen at www.JakeRathburn.com

It’s a suggested donation of 5 euros but buying my CD would be so great of you!

See you there!

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