October 26, 2013

Jake Rathburn (USA): Unplugged @ InterNations Rotterdam – Halloween Edition!

November 2, 2013 @ 5:00 am – 8:00 am
Mainport Design Hotel Leuvehaven
Stadswinkel XL Centrum
Coolsingel 40, 3011 Rotterdam
The Netherlands
0 (albatross member), 10 (basic member), 15 (non)

Things are about to get SPOOOOOOKY!

Well… I just hope all my gear works, that’s pretty much the only way I get scared on stage these days. Keep it unhaunted, Holland!!

I’m an acoustic singer-songwriter from the states and have the honor of playing some originals and covers this, my first show in Holland. It’s part of a cool international professional networking group you should check out.

The venue is a recently opened 5 star design hotel in Rotterdam. The cover charge includes a free welcome drink which will be served from 8.00 – 9.00 p.m. Albatross members join for free, Basic members pay 10 EUR, and not on guest list pay 15 EUR. Follow this link for more info:

I thank my new friend, Kasia Stadnicka, for inviting me – totally last minute!! 😀

See you there!

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