October 24, 2013

Jake Rathburn (USA): Unplugged in Eindhoven, The Netherlands

November 14, 2013 @ 7:00 am – 9:00 am
Oude Rechtbank
Stratumseind 32
5611 ET Eindhoven
The Netherlands

Whatup Eindhoven!

Please say Yes to the faceboob invite, right here.

I’m a singer-songwriter from Cincinnati OH, currently touring Europe and bringing a fun time to all with my originals and cover songs. After being featured on the German news (see: www.JakeRathburn.com) I’ve Sonically Satisfying Europeans Since 2013.

This will be a fun evening of networking and song. Thanks to my cool people from Internations Einhoven, Anthonius and Elsa, for hooking me up with a gig in this fine city.

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