October 24, 2013

Jake Rathburn (USA): Unplugged in Amsterdam

November 12, 2013 @ 7:30 am – 9:00 am
CC Muziekcafe
Rustenburgerstraat 384
1073 GM Amsterdam
The Netherlands
3 euros

Hi there Amsterdam,

Please say Yes on fb if you’re on there: www.facebook.com/events/679446648732830

This show will be relaxed and I sincerely appreciate your coming. It might be 2 or 3 euros to get in. I will start at 8:45 pm and be done in one hour, so come on out even if you have school in the morning 😛

I’m very excited for my first trip to your fine city. An chill-acoustic artist from the USA, so I write my own songs but def will be playing some songs you know. I’ve even had the awesome opportunity to be featured on German TV news, promoting Living Room Concerts.

Check that out at www.JakeRathburn.com “LOOK MOM I’M ON THE GERMAN NEWS” lol

See you there!

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