October 26, 2013

Jake Rathburn (USA): Great Gatsby-style Party w/ Amsterdam InterNations

November 9, 2013 @ 7:00 am – 10:00 am
The Sopranos PianoBar Amsterdam
Paardenstraat 11
1017 Amsterdam
The Netherlands
10 (members) - 15 (nonmembers)

Hi there Amsterdam!

I’m singer-songwriter Jake Rathburn, currently touring Europe and have been featured on RTL Hessen TV News, Frankfurt – promoting Living Room Concerts. More at www.JakeRathburn.com

Thanks so much to Stephanie Blanc for letting me come and give a private session for the early birds at this wonderful event.

Joyce and Maurice will welcome us in this temple of live Jazz music but not only just that! A delicious Signature Cocktail will be served to the first 200 guests. As usual, Albatross members benefit from free entrance, Basic members pay 10 € and others 15 €. Click http://www.internations.org/events/view/internations-amsterdam-first-november-event-the-great-gatsby-welcomes-you:::56099 to upgrade to Albatross Membership.

Phone: +31 (0)20 4288211

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