October 24, 2012

Hot Tips for the Struggling Artist

1. Love what you create. I went through many personal struggles on my quest to “find” my sound. At one point I just started hating the stuff I was creating but then a good friend of mine helped me reprogram my brain while I was coming up with stuff. He said, “No matter if it’s good or not, just tell yourself ‘That’s hot’.” That actually really helped when I was getting down on ideas I was coming up with on guitar.
2. Figure out your brand and just stick to that. Wait. No. Don’t. Do what you do and then make people who like it will find you. You don’t necessarily have to go after one niche. I learned this when I was so fearful to put “Don’t put your cock into crazy” out. I wanted it to be a different band because I felt it would turn off some people and it might paint me as a joke band. This was just a random great song that elicits a humorous response, is memorable and is merely a “piece”. It is not me. THE COOL THING IS: you can look at songs like singles. I’ve had so many different ideas for band names and really it’s all just me. Do I need to put a label on myself as an artist. No. But band names do help. “Don’t Put Your Cock into Crazy” you might expect from a joke band named ScrotemPole or something. But it’s all really Jake Rathburn. Why fight it when people request that song?
3. If you are kind of ugly, you might want to have a cool band logo. Also, you can make it interactive.
A bonus is to have something to color in on the back of a small flyer. People want a part in your success.
4. Which bring us to Really Using People. Get people to do stuff you can’t or don’t want to do.
Interns, Street Teams, and Paying people way less than they’re worth. Or just pay them with bad sex.
5. Sex always and will always sell, but try not to look gay.
188193_409839495736655_803908796_n.jpg I’ve really struggled with this. Insert me in the purple shirt.
6. Where something weird and get a great picture taken at every venue so you come up in google image search when other musicians look at that venue. I found these guys when I google imaged The New Anita in Amsterdam.
COUNTER INTUITIVE POINT: Multi-tasking is for idiots. And it actually makes you dumber. Science says. I prefer and recommend Mono-tasking.
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