
One of my fav Beach Boys tunes,  right on time for the New Year 🙂

A brand-new song = pretty much a scratch idea 🙂

What a fun time it was getting strangers to listen to a song in the park <3

Elated by how well this “lullaby” turned out! It’s on Str8 Thoughts, available to the right ====> Special thanks to Eric Bair (lead guitar) and Warner Britton (hand percussion) who truly brought it to life. Amazing mix by Nick Hartigan ❤️

Featured on the album, Str8 Thoughts, my most-ever, loved-or-hated song will be sure to put a smile on your face… or a shake to your head :_D

“Want Dead” was lyrically inspired by an altercation. The beginning of the audio is an actual “fight”, while recording vocal ideas. The 1st two lines were the same take, as she dramatically exited the studio.

One of my favorite songs to cover:

A Latin song with ma brand new classical guitar, “Rachel”

An experiment: my 1st shot at editing a music video.

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